Our commitment is to provide English instruction of high quality, so that students will be able to learn English that is current and applicable to today’s real world. English has become known as the intern-ational language. It is becoming more and more important to be able to speak English fluently in many sectors of society such as government, business, education, and factories. Every effort will be made to focus on reaching those in strategic roles in Bangladesh with our instruction – for example: teachers, doctors, medical students, nurses, university staff and students, government employees, NGO workers, and technical training institutions. SIM-BD’s Spoken English training is conducted by teachers whose mother language is English. (In the event that a native English speaker cannot be recruited but a teacher whose standard of English is close to that of a native English speaker is available, SIM-BD reserves this right to make this substitution.) Participants receive our teaching at low cost
We offer two types of educational activities:
Spoken English Courses : Students register for modules and will be grouped according to ability level. Some of the courses are based on books such as those by Oxford University Press. Other courses are based on discussion topics from current events or speaking topics such as those on the IELTS exam. Modules last 1-3 months. Emphasis is on listening comprehension and speaking English. Final exams will be written or oral. Former students may sign up for further modules, thus some of the students can be returnees; others are new.

English Seminars : These will be offered to groups as an introduction to our Spoken English program. During each seminar, topics will be presented according to the ability level of the audience. An asse-ssment may be done in order to plan for a future class. Other sessions will present pertinent topics such as “Proper Use of Social Media”. It is an opportunity for students to decide if they want to take a course with our program or not. Another possibility for English seminars is when a group from abroad visits Faridpur. This is an excellent opportunity for local groups to learn about English language and culture.